cool places on the internet
web collections
Font Fish ↗
a browser based tool for exploring thousands of different fonts
Hardware Archive ↗
a website with cool layouts of different hardware items from other different hardware websites
Rotating Sandwiches ↗
literally just rotating sandwiches
Mobile Phone Museum ↗
catalogue of vintage mobile flip phones
Everything Can Be Scanned ↗
basic objects which have been scanned, highlighting detail which would normally be missed
Corners of the Internet Database ↗
spreadsheet of a variety of places on the internet
List supply ↗
website made by friends (? i think) which share their own silly lists
Every Coffee ↗
list of different types of coffee
Gimlet In The Stomach ↗
ratings of different gimlet cocktail
What's in Jisu's Bag ↗
what's in my bag haul but make it a website
A Directory of Handmade Websites ↗
a plethora of different handmade websites from the internet
Burger ↗
Different burger submissions from people
community web
Intertapes ↗
cassette tapes from different locations with different audio fragments
The Grocery List Collection ↗
a collection of strangers grocery lists
Collaboration cookbook ↗
a wholesome website which people submit recipes for creative activities, experiences, projects etc
Recipes for Food ↗
collection of different recipes from different people
Places to Read ↗
different locations which people consider the best place to read a book
Very Good Films ↗
an online catalogue for film lovers
Special Fish ↗
a community word processor people can use for logging, journalling, list making and poetry
How Did You Find Me ↗
a website made to be found - so how did you find it? prompts people to trace back how they ended up on this website
Unguilty Pleasures ↗
people submitting stories about their micro acts of disobedience at work
Don't Forget to Take a Selfie With Your Herbs ↗
people taking photos with their herbs!! how sweet!!
Goodbye Domains ↗
a graveyard for good domain's people let expire
Doable List ↗
a bucket lists of things people want to do that are actually doable
Wall of Friends ↗
show off your animals!!!!
Gregs Fridge ↗
fridge magnets the website
Listography ↗
a community based website of different lists people submit which also acts as a time capsule
Busy Simulator ↗
make yourself sound very busy even though we all know you're alone in your room
Make Word Art ↗
microsoft word art is back and better than ever!!!
Lose the very ↗
the best way to lose 'very' from your vocab
Sandspiel ↗
simulator you can play around with an add different earth elements, something to keep you busy
Bongo Cat ↗
a very sweet little cat that plays music controlled by your keyboard
Blackout Poetry Generator ↗
creates black out poetry
Boring Conversation ↗
a very very boring and uninteresting conversation simulator
Magic Sketchpad ↗
a simulator where you try draw something and the machine learning algorithm tries to finish your strokes when you lift the pen
Listed ↗
guess the listed house prices of (mainly US i think) homes
Poetic Times ↗
random headlines from today's new york times which can be moved around to make a poem
Super Uplifting Friendship Simulator ↗
the virtual friend you didn't know you needed!!
kinda just funny/static pages
How many days since the montague st bridge has been hit ↗
a staple for those who live in melb, aus - keeps track of when a truck hit's the infamous montague st bridge
Have a good day today ↗
generates a new picture everyday
Street Lights ↗
literally just pictures of street lights
Work Week ↗
how long this week has been in % and counts down how long until the weekend
The Restart Page ↗
different restart buttons from different computer sources
End of the Internet ↗
you have reached the end of the internet.
Awful Affirmations ↗
really bad affirmations to make you feel worse about yourself
The Most Amazing Web ↗
a very bold and bright colourful website which encapsulates 2000's html internet. lots of rainbow and flashing
Coffee ↗
literally just pictures of coffee. nothing else
My Ad Journal ↗
ad's keep track of us but this user keeps track of ad's
Soggy Cat ↗
the soggiest cat
Screenshot Garden ↗
screenshots made by this user
Meow Camera ↗
camera's on cat feeders from the hello street cat app
just really cool
Establishing a secure connection ↗
Plastic Air ↗
Birdcall ↗
Robida Collective ↗
Cabbages World ↗
Randomly Paired Images ↗
Wiby ↗
Pasta Guide ↗
Dumpling Love ↗
Do You Want Love or Lust ↗
Notes on Toast ↗
URL Poetry Club ↗
Consumed Today ↗
Snack Data ↗
Lucy Pham World Wide Web ↗
Everything That Happened Today ↗
Guess My Word ↗
N10 As↗
Alex Wallbaum ↗
Monica Brennan ↗
Jack Chen ↗
Mariano Pascual ↗
Kayli Sandoval ↗
Woo Hu Studio ↗
Timeo Langlois ↗
Josh Jamili ↗
Los Crises ↗
Jumana Ibrahim ↗
Dmitry Rusinov ↗
Simone Computer ↗
Yi Xiao ↗
Kaarthika ↗
Ordinary Magazine ↗
Mila Kostiana ↗
Kevin Chen ↗
Harry's Designs ↗
Caitlin Mccann ↗
handmade web
Maya On The Internet ↗
Evy Garden ↗
Jonathan Xue ↗
Tomato Supply ↗
Shen Land ↗
Small Web ↗
Max Bo ↗
Yone House ↗
Mr Winkle ↗
Justus ↗
Angelica World ↗
Connie Surf ↗
Tea Fry ↗
Meirisoda ↗
Clique Books ↗
Terminal Pink ↗
God Teeth ↗
Reticular Info ↗
neocities/nekoweb handmade web
Lost Love ↗
green windows xp inspired site that's also very ##cottagecore
Turd ↗
very simple page, with minimal formatting, i like the style of the directory page
Sticky Hands ↗
obsessed with the theme and almost 3D effect the letters haves, very much enjoy the homepage and links page
Unimaginable Heights ↗
basically a text based website, love the simplicity
Eating Sandwiches ↗
i like that it's literally sandwich themed and also the page dedicated to show an archive of their used journals, also that they have images of their mantle objects
Mantaray ↗
graphic design inspired website, love the what's in my bag and wallet pages and the archive from previous years
Miserable Dolly ↗
grey tech themed inspired website with VR filter, it also has a mix of coquette lmao
Strovi ↗
simple black and white site
Cyberfrog ↗
very bright and colourful website!! i like how all the pages have different themes, good web resources
Melankorin ↗
black and white website, love the layout, love the museum page
Dogspit ↗
a blue and white site will always have my heart, i like the layout of the diaries
Suontii ↗
very colourful, i like how many links are on the side nav bar, a lot going on but also very organised
Bisuko ↗
unique layout, simple and uses images as links, i like the picture page
Nalfae ↗
simple green themed layout, i like that the pages are slightly different, i also like the style of ramblings page
Mothclub ↗
obsessed with how unassuming the homepage is - each page has a different theme but it's also cohesive, also love the page dedicated to eggs and what's in my bag page
Vampire Valentine ↗
pink coquette(ish) themed, tbh just like the simple layout
Sees ↗
black and white themed pages, love the craft log and gifting (tiny moments of happiness) log
Pluto22 ↗
reminds me of 2000s internet vibes, love the zine page and the bookmarks page quite literally about physical bookmarks
Macchiato Coffee ↗
another black and white site, love the domain and the slight computer themed inspo
Nyaa ↗
very very pink themed, like the microblog page
363787 ↗
blue themed, love the layout and scrolling marquees and the diary page layout
Oopsie Doodle ↗
literally looks like a collage/junk journal, love the found objects collection
Apple Yue ↗
having an apple themed website is so niche and so brilliant
Starlost ↗
yet another black and white themed website, i like the layout and boxes within boxes
Oyasumimi ↗
blue and white theme, love the layout
Sydnia ↗
Riifle ↗
black and white, love the layout and boxes within boxes
Phrogee ↗
very early 2000s inspired with all the flashing gif's and photos
Sweetfish ↗
very simple portfolio, love the screenshot garden
Peanutbuttaz ↗
tbh just love the blue background with the cd and trolls
Cyberdemon ↗
windows 7?? themed and also wii themed as well??
Moldy Moldy ↗
very simple text based-ish handmade web, i really enjoy the logs and lists page
Arlita ↗
i like the conept of having a physical inventory page and opinions page (esp with fonts)
Droidgirl ↗
just love the clothing collections page
Nimravidae ↗
love the stickerbook collection in the hoard's section and also the collections of collections